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Buying a Computer – What You Need to Know to Get the Right One For You

Buying a Computer – What You Need to Know to Get the Right One For You

Remember the times that you planned to buy a computer or a laptop and called the tech-support of a computer manufacturer to discuss your options and got bombarded with a number of questions – all technical mumbo jumbos? Well, many of us have faced that and have steered away from buying a computer thinking it’s just too complex!

Let’s look at the basic steps that one should follow while planning to buy a computer:

Step 1: Why do you need the computer for?

o To maintain your finances?
o To help your kid with his/her homework?
o To stay connected with the world?
o To play games?
o To help in your business?

Your answer to the above will help decide the type of computer that your need and the specifications – the processor, the memory, the hard disc, the type of keyboard, the number of USB ports, etc. etc. A tip is to always go for a bigger memory which will help you later when you want to add more software to your computer and faster processor which will help your computer stay on its toes even if you have a number of programs running simultaneously.

Step 2: Remember budgeting is very important. The specifications will give you a rough idea on the kind of budget you should settle for.

Step 3: Once you have decided on the computer specifications and the budget, you must look around. Always compare the prices and the options that you get from various manufacturers. These days you get great online resources and websites that will give you comparison results in tabular formats to find which manufacturer is better. A tip could be to stick to the better known brands. These will have good service centers and easy access to customer service. These generally have a proven track around. You can also choose to ask your friends and family on their choices.

Step 4: Do not get confused or overwhelmed by the list of options and types of computers available these days! Stick to your step 1 and your specifications. Although different options may look lucrative, but do not end up paying for features that you may hardly use. If you want a simple computer – a plain CPU, monitor, keyboard and mouse then so be it. Stick to it.

Step 5: Finally decide on a shop and go for it. You can choose from online stores or actual stores with displayed merchandise. If you are in doubt then choose a store where you can just walk in, discuss your requirements with a sales person and decide on your computer. If you are relevantly confident about your requirements then go for an online store. Most online stores offer great discounts.

These are few steps that you can take while buying a computer. These are simple and easy to follow steps. Buying a computer or a laptop is truly no rocket science any more. With ample of online resources being available, all you need to do is just read-up. And if you plan to read-up online resources only after you get your computer then stick to our five-step approach – it will be easy!